Pumping Iron – What to Know and What to Eat

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

Iron.  We hear all the time that it is important.  What are the two types? Why do we need it?  Are herbivores more prone to iron deficiency than omnivores? Most of us know we need iron in our diet.  Most of us also know of someone who is or has been either anemic or iron deficient – maybe even you. …

Is Eating Vegan Expensive? Part 2

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

Welcome back to the heart and soul and dollars of eating a whole food plant-based diet.  Part one was a discussion of the myths surrounding a vegan diet being expensive.  Supplements, superfoods and transition foods, much of which are costly but are neither necessary as part of a vegan diet (save for B12, which is cheap) nor are actually marketed …

Is eating vegan expensive? Part One.

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

There is a prevalent myth that eating vegan is for the privileged.  That somehow letting go of consuming all animals products means groceries suddenly cost more.  I can’t say who started the rumour, but today let’s look at perhaps why there is the confusion about the cost of eating plant-based. Here are the three things I hear most often as …

Banana-fuel your workout!

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

Have you ever done an organized race or sporting event where there is a finish area offering replenishments?  Chances are, bananas were part of the spread.  If the event had on-course aid stations, bananas were probably there too.  While the banana has been prevalent for decades (or more likely since the beginning of the banana-human introduction) as an energy source, …

The dietary “F” word…

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

What if you found out that there is an easy way to improve your current health, prevent or treat chronic disease, lose weight and enable your gut flora – your micro biome – to flourish, thereby reducing inflammation and improving immune function?  Fibre.  I know.  Sounds boring and old school (remember that tub of Metamucil on your parents’ countertop in …

Nutrient Density Fills You Up

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

In last week’s blog I talked about the difference between plant-based and vegan as words. Additionally, just like with any form of food choices, one can be all over the map with respect to the quality and quantity of what is consumed.  While this may seem basic, it is worth reviewing as sometimes just seeing how much you can eat …

Plant-based versus Vegan – just semantics?

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

Welcome 2018. A new year of opportunities to expand your knowledge while shrinking your risk of many chronic and/or terminal diseases and, as a bonus, maybe shrinking your waistline at the same time!   The increasing reporting about the many challenges with meat and animal products and the positives of eating a plant-based diet have fast become daily news items. …

Movember – the link between Prostate Cancer, Meat and Dairy

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

November has become known as Movember for many a moustache sporting male in an effort to raise money and awareness of prostate cancer.  Briefly, the prostate is a walnut-sized gland that surrounds the urethra.  Like the glandular tissue of the breast, the glandular tissue of the prostate can become cancerous.  The older a man gets, the more likely he will …

Arsenic in rice – What you need to know

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

Food safety is a term you are likely familiar with.  Food safety pertains to the safe handling, preparation and storage of food to prevent usually unintentional food borne illness or harm to consumers.  This includes environmental impacts.  Food defence is a term we don’t hear often and is the intentional  contamination of food products through biological, chemical, physical or radiological …

Movement for your body and brain, even in the rain.

Colleen Gray-Hewett Blog

It is the tail end of a week of not just rain but long periods of pummelling rain and wind here in Vancouver.  Does not entice even some of the more die-hard fresh air types to take the dog for a hike. Daisy, my dog, will go out in anything, though, so that makes me move outside and own a …